Three Score and Ten

Week of July 13, 2015 – YouTube and PDF
July 14, 2015
Meet Brandy Iverson – HGE Board Member
July 20, 2015
Week of July 13, 2015 – YouTube and PDF
July 14, 2015
Meet Brandy Iverson – HGE Board Member
July 20, 2015


The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away. Psalm 90:10

Last night I had a very interesting conversation in which we postulated what the next ten years might look like. This discussion was spring-boarded by looking at what has transpired over the last few weeks. But this morning, as I was revisiting this conversation in my mind, I felt that the Lord interrupted my thoughts and directed my attention to Psalm 90:10. In other words, forget ten years and just think about the six you have until I reach threescore and ten.

I know that there are folks who are getting very excited about the Lord’s return and believe me, I get that and I can shout MARANATHA with the best of them … but for me, I need to focus in on what’s next, how can I be found busy when my Master returns rather that be found waiting around at the RAPTURE bus station with my salvation ticket in hand?

With that as the backdrop, what plans do I have over the next six years? Let’s first take a look at the earth-shattering events which have recently transpired.

  1. Supreme Court redefines the biblical definition of a family and stamps its approval on same-sex marriage.
  2. The US, along with the other P5+1, countries have invited and accepted Iran, the leading supporter of world-wide terror (think Hezbollah, Hamas and Assad’s forces – to name a few) into the Nuclear Club and have agreed to lift all sanctions.
  3. By doing #2 above, we have shoved Israel aside and now are going about marginalizing Israel’s voice and concern. For the record, anti-semitism is at an all- time high since WW2 and will increase. The day is coming where they will truly be surrounded on all sides by their enemies and, when in need, America will turn its back! (That is happening right now!)
  4. In the midst of all of this, the overall church has lost its moorings and is asleep at the wheel. For the most part we have allowed the church to become a spectator sport as we are no longer going out and making disciples.

Somehow I have recently been awakened to the fact that the world I knew (specifically the America I knew) HAS changed! We are no longer a moral Christian nation which has God and the ten commandments as our foundation; we are the leading exporter of all things that God abhors. We are no longer a true friend and ally to Israel. As Dylan sang long ago, “The times they are a changin!”

Now for my A C T I O N steps … my six-year plan!

  1. I am going to continue to build up our KFIR (Young Lions) Fellowship and stress the need for Believers to do the following
    1. To daily be devoted to the Word of God
    2. To daily be devoted to Prayer
    3. To build true Community
  1. To teach about why Believers should care and take a stand for Israel as well as to take as many people to the Holy Land as possible.

So, welcome to my world! Please know that I am looking for like-minded people to partner with as we round that bend and sprint down the home stretch!

Three score and ten! I wonder what the world will look like in six years? With the grace of God and with the Spirit of God I know what I want my world to look like! Wanna join?


Dan Stolebarger

Co-Founder of Holy Ground Explorations